The School Day
At Fulham Primary, we place high expectations on pupils attending school every day and are on time. Full attendance at school is vital to ensure that children make progress and achieve their best. Attendance and punctuality are monitored rigorously by the Head of School and Home School Liaison officer.
We also have high expectations for behaviour and attitudes to learning. All pupils are expected to follow the Fulham in Harmony school rules.

We have a very clear behaviour policy which addresses both positive and inappropriate behaviours.

The School Day
The school day begins at 8.40am with registration and finishes at 3.20pm.
- School office is open from 7.45 am - 4.15 pm for parents to make contact.
- Breakfast Club: 7.45 am – 8.40 am
- After School Club: 3.20pm - 5.30pm
- 8.40am - 11.40 am - morning session
- 12.20 pm – 3.20pm - afternoon session
- 8.40am - 3.20pm for full time pupils
A variety of extra-curricular clubs run each day throughout the week from 3.20 – 4.00pm/ 4.30pm and children have the opportunity to sign up to these at the start of each term.
Lunch Times
Children break for lunch at different times.
EYFS (Nursery and Reception) 11.45am until 12.45pm
KS1 (Year 1 and 2) 12.00pm until 1.00pm
KS2 (Year 3 to 6) 12.15pm until 1.15pm
All children are encouraged to eat a cooked school lunch. Parents may opt for their child to bring a packed lunch to school, but this must contain healthy foods.
We are a NUT-FREE school.
All classes produce a class assembly once a year to showcase their learning to parents and to the rest of the school. Details of class assembly dates can be found in the weekly newsletter and class information letters which are sent out at the start of each term. Teachers also hold termly parent meetings/workshops to ensure that parents have a good knowledge of the skills being taught to their child.
Home Learning
The school sees homework as a vital tool for reinforcing classroom lessons and for encouraging independent working habits and skills. Homework is set each week. Parents are encouraged to read with their children on a daily basis to consolidate and extend the reading skills acquired at school.
Sharing Assemblies
All classes produce a class assembly at least once a year to showcase their learning to parents and to the rest of the school. Details of class assembly dates can be found in the newsletters and class information sheets which are sent out at the start of each term. Teachers also hold termly parent workshops to ensure that parents have a good knowledge of the skills being taught to their child.